These symptoms can lead to the early detection of cancer
Ulcers that do not heal quickly, especially in the mouth. Any break in the skin that does not heal even in six months, but still continues to grow. Excessive abnormal bleeding, especially in the case of women after the period. Bleeding when passing stool. The overgrowth of tumors and bumps on any part of the body, especially in women. Difficulty swallowing food and continuous indigestion. Continuous cough, throat hoarse voice continuously.
Malfunction of the intestines, constipation and loose motions. Pain or skin discoloration, wart or keloid. The unexpected loss aversion weight and strength and food. If you have any of the symptoms listed above and you have any questions about cancer, consult your doctor.
Natural remedies for the treatment of cancer
Take the following foods on a regular basis and keeping a healthy lifestyle.
Natural home remedy for cancer through the cauliflower: take 3/4 cup cauliflower juice a day in the morning on an empty stomach. Will be beneficial for cancer.
Herbal cancer home remedy with: bring at least 1/2 cup of cabbage juice every day first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. Cancer is curable in its early stages.
Home remedies for cancer
Effective home remedy for cancer through carrot: carrot juice is a good anti-toxico. Even you can cure most diseases incurable. Take two glasses of carrot juice, one before breakfast in the morning and another at night. 12 ounces of carrot juice mixed with 4 oz of spinach juice is especially beneficial in cancer.
Cancer diet tips
Food: is demonstrated by ongoing investigations in beta-carotene chemical present in foods can destroy the cancer cells. Found in abundance in all legumes, cabbage, cauliflower, carrot, lemon and fruit of the species mausambi. You should eat these fruits and vegetables in abundance to patients with cancer. Fried foods cause cancer. Fried foods contains carcinogenic substances that cause cancer. Therefore, the fried foods should not be consumed.
Simple home remedy for cancer with grapes
Cancer patient should fast for three days. Grapes then must have food. Should also be enema times. It should not take more than 2 kg. grapes in one day. After a few days give drinking butter milk. Don't take anything to eat. Is a slow process and it takes a few months to take up the slack. The poultice of grapes can be applied on wounds. Grape juice sometimes causes stomach pain or itch in the year. But there is no reason to fear. The pain disappears after a few days. Promotion will be beneficial at the time of pain.
Traditional wheat natural home remedy
The cancer is only a condition of the body indicates that there is something wrong with this wonderful machine. Nature always tries to maintain a balance in the human body. Since people have different styles of life, suffer from different diseases. There was a woman who was suffering from br**st cancer. I had tried all kinds of treatment, but in vain. But when it came to the diet of different kinds of fruit juices, will heal in a few months. Wheat grass is an effective anti-toxin. Its can cure cancer and many other diseases. Its juice is known as green blood. It said that up to 40% of their properties are similar to human blood.
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