Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Prostate Cancer Symptoms / Signs & Treatment

Prostate Cancer Symptoms Treatment Signs - The prostate is a gland that is located below the bladder in men and produces the fluid for semen. Prostate cancer is common in elderly men. This type of cancer is rare in men under 40 years old. Risk factors of developing it include: being over 65 years old, family history and being African American.

Prostate Cancer Symptoms / Signs & Treatment

Prostate cancer symptoms can include

Urination problems, like pain, difficulty starting or stopping the flow of urine or drip
Pain in the lower back
Ejaculation pain

To diagnose prostate cancer, your doctor could do a rectal examination to look for any bulk or anything out of the ordinary. The doctor may also ask you do a blood test for prostate-specific antigen (PSA). These analyses are also performed in prostate cancer screening tests, which attempt to detect cancer before you have symptoms. If the results are abnormal, you may need other tests such as ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging or biopsy.

Prostate Cancer Treatment 

Treatment of prostate cancer tends to depend on the stage of the cancer. This is determined by knowing how fast the cancer is growing and how different is the tissue around the gland. Men with prostate cancer have several treatment options. The best for one person may not be the best for another. These options may include only a careful observation and medical surveillance without treatment, surgery, radiation therapy, hormone therapy and chemotherapy. It can also be a combination of these.

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