Monday, May 11, 2015

Cervical Cancer / Cancer Cervix Symptoms & Treatments

Cervical Cancer Symptoms & Treatments - The cervix or cervcal is the lower part of the uterus, is the place where the baby grows during pregnancy. Cervical cancer is caused by a virus called human papillomavirus (HPV). This virus is spread by s*xu*l contact. Most of the women body is able to fight HPV infection. But sometimes, the virus leads to cancer. Women who are at greatest risk are those who smoke, which many children have had, which have used birth control pills for a long time or have an HIV infection.

Cervical Cancer / Cancer Cervix Symptoms & Treatments

It is possible that in the beginning, the cervical cancer does not cause symptoms, but later there may be pain in the pelv*c or v*gin*l bleeding. It usually take several years for the normal cells of the cervix to become cancer cells. The doctor may find abnormal cells by Pap smear or Pap smear (Pap) to examine the cells of the cervix. Also, you can ask that an HPV test is conducted. If the results are abnormal, you will need a biopsy or other tests. Get tests regularly, it will allow your doctor find and treat any problem before it becomes cancer.

Treatment may include surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, or a combination of these. The treatment will depend on the size of the tumor, whether the cancer has spread, or if you would like to become pregnant later.

Vaccines can protect against various types of HPV, including some that cause cancer.

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